“At the heart of warfare lies doctrine”
General Curtis LeMay, 1968.

The A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft can be utilized for Air to Air
Refuelling (AAR) Operations, Air Logistics Support (ALS) Operations, Aeromedical
Evacuation, VIP/VVIP services, bulk-fuel delivery and emergency scene-of-search rescue coordination. Some limited Command and Control can also be conducted from the aircraft.

As an AAR Tanker, the A330 MRTT can facilitate the projection of force to any point on the globe. AAR can extend the range of multi-role fighter/attack aircraft to rapidly reach the furthest point on the planet, and allow them to return to a friendly operating base.

Transport aircraft can be receiver capable, which makes them able to depart from home operating bases with full loads and reach forward operating bases anywhere on the planet.

The A330 MRTT can be AAR receiver capable, enabling sustained operations of the weapon system itself.

With the commitment of sufficient A330 MRTT aircraft it is possible to sustain an air bridge for sustained ALS operations.

A330 MRTT aircraft can deploy multi-role fighter/attack aircraft to forward operating bases and extend their endurance when deployed with them, or when operating within suitable range of each other. AAR also makes it possible for receiver-capable aircraft to make short-field take-offs, with full armament loads, or full passenger or cargo loads, but with reduced fuel loads to limit take-off weight.

Fighter/attack aircraft operations from damaged runways or suitable emergency strips, such as taxiways or closed-off public highways, are made more possible with AAR support.

In a coalition environment A330 MRTT aircraft can extend the range and endurance of any AAR receiver capable aircraft, including Airborne Warning and Control, Intelligence, Special Operations and Maritime Patrol Aircraft.

A330 MRTT aircraft internal fuel tanks can be made available to carry certain liquids,
including but not necessarily limited to aviation fuel, to forward operating bases with bulk-liquid containers where surface transport cannot be used.

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